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2.Copie Folderele Models , Sound & Sprites in X:\ServerCs\Hlds\Cstrike\
3.Te Duci In Folderul Addons \ AmxModX \ Plugins Si Copii Fiserul predator.amxx Si il Copii In X:\ServerCs\Hlds\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins\ Si Dupaia Te Duci In X:\ServerCs\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\Configs Si Intri In Plugins.ini Si Scrii Jos Jos Predator.amx
4.Dupe Aia Te Duci Din Nou In Addons \ AmxModX \Scripting Si Copii Fisierul predator.sma In X:\ServerCs\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\Scripting
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Cu Acest Plugin Potzi Sa Devii Predator ,Dar Trebuie Sa Ai Si Bani Si Fraguri .Adminul Decide Preturile .Predatorul Are 200HP and 500AP , E Invisibil Sare Mai Tare Si Are O arma Cu Plasma [Adminul Seteaza Cate Plasme Sa Aiba Un Predator] Plus Un Predator Are O Vedere Buna Tare ,are Doar Gheare Si Plasma ,Dar Cu O Lovitura De Gheara Omoara .....
Poate Sashi Schimbe View-ul normal, 3d person, strategy.
Comenzile :
1.admin_enable_predator 1/0 -Opresti Cu 0 Modul Predator ,Si Deschizi Modul Cu 1 .
2.admin_frags_predator [ ] - Cu Aceasta Comanda Adminu Decide Cate Fraguri Ii Trebe Player-ului Sa Ajunga Predator.
admin_money_predator [ ] - Cu Aceasta Comanda Adminu Decide Catzi Bani Costa Sa Devina Predator. Defult Este 16000
3.admin_plasma_predator [ ] -Cu Aceasta Comanda Adminu Decide Cate Plasme Sa Aiba Predatorul .Defult esti 3.
admin_frags_plasma [number] == Decides how many frags a predator gets for plasma kill (default 1)
admin_frags_knife [number] == Decides how many frags a predator gets for knife kill (default 2)
admin_kill_money [number] == Decides how much money a predator gets for each kill (default 300)
admin_predator [name][type][plasma] == Change a player into a predator, choose type of predator and amount of plasma
admin_predatorteam [team][type][plasma] == Same as admin_predaotr just to a full team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)
admin_unpredator [name] == Change a predator into a human
admin_unpredatorteam [team] == Same as admin_unpredator just to a full team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)
admin_addplasma [name][number] == Adds Plasma shoots to a predator (player have to be a predator)
admin_predator_custom [name][type] == Changes a player's MODEL into a predator model *NOTE, HE IS NOT A PREDATOR*
admin_view_predator [number] == Changes the speed of the bodyheat (default 0.2) [change map to take effect] {version 1.94+)
admin_hp_predator [number] == sets amount of HP the predator gets (default 200) {version 1.95 only}
ppfire == Shoot a plasma ball (i suggest u bind it to mouse3)
pcview == Change the view mode of the predator (i suggest u bind it to P)
dbinds == Auto bind the client functions into the default keys
say /predatorhelp == help about other predator say commands
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